Giddy Over GreeceGreece is like a gypsy dancer; flamboyant and expressive yet somehow manages to remain shrouded in mystery effortlessly.
A close encounter with the remnants of the ancient civilization is more than enough to convert just about anyone into a history buff. The Parthenon in Athens, Ancient Delphi, and the Acropolis induce goose bumps in a good way and humble even the most inflated egos with their silent yet commanding majesty. Greece is not limited to a glorious history; modern Greece continues the legacy of architectural masterpieces with the Rio-Antirio Bridge.
Athens offers a little bit of what you can find in the entire country. Visit the ancient ruins to escape the city smog. If the ancient marvels have not satiated your appetite for culture, the city holds a number of excellent museums such as National Archeological Museum and Numismatic Museum. If your stomach begins to grumble, dining al fresco is the norm in Greece and the city streets’ pedestrian area are lined with cafes. The city comes to life at around 8pm so if you want to end your day with a bang, share a drink with the locals or head to the Club Zone to dance the night away.